Craig Adam Watson

Craig is the Associate Director of Aquaculture Programs with the Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (retired), and Director of the Tropical Aquaculture Laboratory at the University of Florida (retired). He has served in numerous aquaculture and marine life- related capacities with the University of Florida since 1988. Currently, he is responsible for coordinating extension educational programs and applied research projects in aquaculture for the University of Florida’s Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Program (retired).

Craig’s past experiences include major efforts centered upon securing funding from industry, county, state and federal sources, both for creation and long-term, recurring funding. His research focuses on commercial aquaculture, especially in reproduction strategies for new species.

In the mid-1980s, Craig was a Fisheries Volunteer Leader with the U.S. Peace Corps Fisheries Program in Tunisia. He served as a liaison between newly-assigned volunteers and their Tunisian Government counterparts. Craig was involved in training, programming and administration of six separate programs in Fisheries Development, and also served as project coordinator for the inland fisheries program involving stocking and monitoring of six reservoirs in the interior.

In addition to his board position with SRI, he is also a board member with Reef Renewal USA and currently serves on the board of Rising Tide Conservation, and is a past board member of the National Aquaculture Association (2001- 2019) and The Florida Aquarium (2001-2018). Craig is a member of the World Aquaculture Society, the Tampa Bay Aquarium Society, and the American Fisheries Society.

Craig earned a B.S. Biology/Chemistry (Major/Minor) from the Florida State University in 1981, and a Master of Aquaculture from Auburn University in 1988.