Land-based Coral Nursery
In March of 2024 Seagrass Restoration Institute formed a partnership with Reef Renewal USA to develop a land based aquaculture coral nursery. This nursery represents a pivotal shift in coral reef restoration operations. Seagrass Restoration Institute in partnership with Reef Renewal USA will be able to utilize a state-of-the-art land-based aquaculture facility for coral reef restoration. This coral aquaculture nursery is equipped with advanced systems designed to cultivate corals in controlled conditions, safeguarding them against the increasing unpredictability of ocean environments. We control the health of the corals in our care, we safeguard our gene bank and methodically test the limits of various genotypes to identify those corals which are able to withstand the ever-changing dynamics of the open ocean environment. Supported by the expertise of partnered scientists and practitioners, we seek to make significant strides in genetic diversity and resilience. This facility is not just a response to past crises, it is a forward-looking solution that sets a new standard for coral reef conservation.
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